Sunday, November 5, 2017

Trust...or Settle!

dark, galaxy wallpaper, nightTrust in God. That’s the key. No matter what angle you’re looking at it, God sees the big picture whereas we only see what’s right in front of our noses. We had a plan. It was going to take us to the stars; but, He gives you another path that may create fear and confusion in your eyes yet promises joy and blessings.
Do you go with the plan you had that you know you’ll get to the stars? Or do you go with the plan that might be scary, but shoots you millennials away from those small shining rocks to beaming rays of light and love?
It’s a jump. A jump that may cause others to judge you – think you’re going too fast. “You’re going to get hurt,” they say. “It’s too far of a jump. Just wait.” But you know that you must take that leap, for you’ve taken a similar leap before and it has been a blessing to you and those in your life.
Let God be the conductor of your tain, not the world. Don’t push Him to the caboose just so you can see what’s in front of you. You could miss a chance of a lifetime.

Trust…or Settle!

Build, Remember and Trust

Body of Water          A strong weightlifting hiker gets stuck on an icy cold snowy mountain top. Heart pounding. Avalanche prepared to fall. Wonder and hope freezes as doubt is building up. Not a rescue team in sight. All the strength in one man's workout couldn't hold back nature's arm. How would one survive the fall?
          When an athlete swimmer gets stuck in a whirlpool, is all the former training enough to get him out? Or is it all forgotten while anxiety takes over? Everyone knows he's the best Olympic swimmer; so, no one thought to keep an eye on him as he swam out to sea. Wonder and hope splash dangerously to stay above the depths of doubt.
          Everyone has skills, talents, dreams and abilities; but, even so everyone has weaknesses. Doubt has a way of finding us when we thought we were at the top of our game. What is a dream without hope? What is a talent or skill without practice? - non existent - If we choose to allow faith and hope to rein our path, doubt becomes non existent.
          When an avalanche is tumbling and crushing your dreams and hopes, use that snow from the avalanche and build a structure of strength and passion. When the whirlpool is sucking you down in the depths of despair, relax and remember who you are and what you're capable of.
          We need to learn how to trust ourselves and our Creator. We are made to overcome our weaknesses as they are shown unto us (Ether 12:27). Life was never meant to be easy; for, how would you learn if perfection was given on a silver platter? Trust is personal and a big step. Whether it's within oneself or with another. Do you trust yourself to do the right thing? Do you trust God to lead you down the path that will bring you the most joy even though you can't see it right now? You can overcome doubt and fear as you allow faith and hope to lead and guide your life.
          Sculpt that sculpture! Remember your strength and worth! And learn to trust! In doing so, your path will lead to treasures untold!