Monday, January 30, 2017

Shaping a Diamond

DiamondThe world spins in various directions. But as soon as you realize the direction its going its trips you right underneath your feet as it switches directions. You think the sun is setting with a calm pace but you soon come to realize it's storming fire and brimstone. Life brings you blackness only to sharpen and press into a diamond. You only see the pain and agony feeling hopeless and pathetic. You're told certain edges will define you and make many love you. But what about the edges that just seem unimportant and worthless. What's the point of shaping and sketching those edges into our lives? As we watch someone's edges get chipped away all we can say is it'll make her into a stronger and more beautiful masterpiece in the end. When there's nothing you can do to stop the painful edges get pulled, yanked and sawed off it feels as if it is happening to your own edges. But there's nothing you can do to make a difference. Only the designer can help guide and shift but in the end only the one He's holding and shaping has control over whether or not they will allow the master to turn them into a diamond. How does one help another when they don't want to be helped? How does one give a piece of their shine of diamond to strengthen and support the other from the pain their going through? At last only the one being shaped has control over their future. And the rest of us can only go so far

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